Friday 31 July 2015

Social Issues@SG: Rethinking 'elitism' and 'meritocracy'

Those of you who were at Founders' Day would have heard it before. It made waves beyond the school. Mr Chan's speech alludes to broader concerns in Singapore society and challenges us to rethink some fundamental approaches to maintaining the social compact in our society.

What roles do schools play in shaping public perception and expectations towards education and social mobility in Singapore? As  the oldest and most prestigious school in Singapore, can RI do more to foster deeper connections between people, society and nation in its overall mission and focus? Or have we drifted too far without us knowing so?

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Social Issues: 2 Important Questions

Many questions in social issues deal with how different societies (mis) manage differences and develop methods to ensure there is equal opportunity for all segments in society...Are these mere ideals in principle or do they amount to possible failure in practice?

 How do we negotiate differences in diversity? Are policies always effective? Or will this always be a work in progress?

'Education heightens inequality.' Discuss.

Is a successful multicultural society possible?

Some Interesting perspectives and examples from the following-


Tuesday 28 July 2015

Singapore as an illiberal democracy ?

EBRC Boundaries

Yes a line in the Politics Info-pack said so...but what do you think?

2015 GE is due and how blessed is your generation...
However, some concerns remain entrenched and will always reveal the constant tensions shown in response to  the methods used by incumbent governments to establish fair play (or lack of?) to win the mandate to lead citizens with power and ground support.

Are the cards sometimes stacked in their favour?
What is the claim to credibility and transparency in this instance?
How would this case study sharpen your understanding towards related essay questions dealing with

  • the rights of the majority as opposed to the minority?
  • your understanding of 'equal opportunity'?
  • the state's handling of public expectations and its costs or unintended, perhaps long term consequences?
Do various PYQs from relevant info-packs come to mind?
What are you waiting for? 

Monday 27 July 2015

Re-looking the hard truths in Singapore Society

This recent posting, made by a well-known public servant has been making waves its heart, a passionate defence of this country and the many gaps we can address and close as we move towards our Jubilee Celebration.

Note the balanced insights on various issues we have covered in class

1.Disconnect between Singapore’s wealth and citizens’ well-being
2.Unintended consequences in importing talent and creating wealth for citizens
3. Complacency and elitism in top ranks of civil service

Some of his words may even allude to your future.

Though he may have been taken to task (of sorts) by one minister, his arguments serve as a challenge for us who like to rattle off the usual 'CMIO, multiracial' rhetoric in writing about Singapore-based issues in Paper 1/ AQ without examining the underlying principles and challenges that continue to shape them.

May a careful reading his text lead to more independent and grounded perspectives of your own each time you write about socio-economic or political aspects of life in your own country.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

'Hedging' and Use of Language: Dealing with Social Issues In Your Writing

None of us like to be labeled or pigeon-holed into categories we feel we don't belong.
But much of our private perceptions and the wider systemic worldview will continue to shape the way we view people or settings around us. Recognizing and dismantling these ideas must form part of our growth in intellectual reasoning and humility. Whenever we fail to adopt a sense of 'critical distancing' from what we talk or write about, we fall deep into the very trap that GP warns us against. The portents are shown in many poorly written essays. You must know.

Academic fields like the social sciences particularly Anthropology and Sociology were founded to arrest some of these issues. Interestingly, they too have their own gaps in research. But that is for another day.

That is why it is very difficult to handle various essay questions in Social Issues and Media unless we first recognise that much of what we see / think or are expected to do are in fact determined by social norms or constructs that attempt to make us view or argue something as ' therefore true, real' or are a 'fact of life in all' societies. See the red ink spilling?

The 3 articles and clips here will challenge us to rethink the way we view issues like 'race' and  stereotypes foreigners have of Singapore. Hopefully, this will impact much of your writing whenever you formulate an argument- to articulate a point from a thoughtful distance and not pontificate in ways that may sadly reveal you as naive, misguided or arrogant individuals. Even writers in the Economist are not immune to that charge...since it's all about perspectives, they say.

Foreign policy and national identity in Singapore:

          On Biology and Race: 
Here are 2 videos (shorter & full versions) by geneticist Spencer Wells that aims to show, regardless of our skin colour, face shape, etc., we all go back to the same source DNA.

Shorter version (46+ mins):

Full version (1 hr 53 mins):

I hope that sharpens our take on important issues like prejudice, discrimination and social justice which we have been talking about in our tutorials.

Thursday 16 July 2015

The Science behind Cancer Screening: Ethical and Regulatory Challenges

and the monetary factors that impact medical care and community outreach...and the underlying issues should come to mind-
1. How far do you agree that health is the responsibility of the State, not of the individual? ( Cambridge 2000)

2. To what extent is it acceptable for private companies to be involved in financing scientific research? (Cambridge 2011)

3. To what extent can the regulation of scientific or technological developments be justified? (Cambridge 2014)
Experts flag potential harm of indiscriminate cancer screening

Social Issues and 'Reality' : 2 Views of the Family

The annual Pink Dot event at Hong Lim Park

AWARE Saga (2009)

The Health Promotion Board's FAQs on Sexuality

NLB's controversial removal of certain books (2014)

Constitutional challenges against Section 377A.

What do these examples or events have in common? What is the underlying politics to these significant social issues we have encountered during class?

Perhaps they all share a concern to reaffirm or protect the cherished ideals of 'family life' in Singapore.
But what is a 'family'?

How would a more thoughtful reflection of the term help us to better critique the above events or refine our understanding towards unquestioned notions of what it means to be 'family'  in Singapore or elsewhere?

Students frequently commit the fallacy of subscribing to their OWN version of reality whenever they pen essays, resulting in a worldview is that totally absurd, outdated  or ill-informed.

What you see  / expect/ taught to accept may not be the realities as to how others choose to live their lives. Learn to question and reason and not merely assert your own point of view. The writer here makes a provocative claim on a taken-for-granted 'concept' and 'institution' present in every society around the world.

How would that impact your understanding of wider / changing social trends that affect the family in Singapore?

Do laws and social norms always tell you the 'truth' in what you see, know or live by? 

'Who' maintains and enforces them?

Should these simply be accepted without thought or question?

Can subtle forms of social injustice be seen in how we define, defend or uphold our notion of what makes a 'family' in Singapore?

Thursday 9 July 2015

More to Grexit

A deepening crisis making the headlines daily...
a national crisis with global implications...

The concepts and root causes examined here are fairly accessible.

Paper 1- the need for depth and the unspoken demands in the minds of most examiners each time students try to elaborate on an example without the right concepts in mind. 

If Grexit is your kind of thing and if it fits the question tackled,  note the rewards that come with clear understanding and mastery of the issues published in articles like these.

Paper 2:
It wouldn't take you too long to realize that the writer makes allusions to Greek mythology to frame his case study. What is his intention in doing so?  

Back to Paper 1 skills:
How does it impact your understanding of voice and style in writing?

Sunday 5 July 2015

Can Religion and Science Coexist?

A difficult topic to write about and students were often told to steer away from it should their 'fav' questions in 'sci&tech' featured religion as a keyword to deal with. Yes, agreed, in many cases.

A student once told me that one must wrestle with religion before gaining a personal voice to deal with it confidently. That was spoken with much wisdom, a far cry from clueless ones who waffle their way through, using rehashed points memorized from various sources (good only to a certain extent) but not when it becomes a mechanical undertaking, written with little understanding.

This recent take on an age-old divide shows how the debate is evolving, bringing fresh insights into the easy gulf that seems to separate the two. The last 2 pieces, (written much earlier), contribute deeper perspectives to the discussion.

Applied fields:

Medicine and the Science of Miracles (?)

Evolutionary Biology-

The Social Sciences and Research into Human Sexuality-

There might be 2 outcomes in reading these news- 

1. Be convinced of the double-bind and trap that haunt those intending to specialize in sci & tech essays in exams.

2. A renewed fascination and respect for this great debate, one that reveals your own sense of wonder and love for life and knowledge

3. Wisdom to know the difference :)

Heritage, Culture and Singapore's Botanic Gardens: A Historic First

Even I didn't believe it could happen in my lifetime. And what an achievement!
A perfect gift for our 50th birthday.

But what is the fuss and underlying sense of honour of being accorded a place in UNESCO's many world heritage sites?

Beyond the obvious national pride and economic rewards that are attached to this award, what else can we learn from the values that humanity accords to  natural and cultural sites in our region / world?

In a country known more for its economic pragmatism, concrete jungles, struggles with land scarcity and natural resources, would this rare accolade signify our maturity as a nation? What role do abstract and intangible aspects like botanical values, social memory and landscape design contribute to our unique place in the international community?


A Balanced Critique of the awards:

Perhaps, a good sign of a healthy society and as always, there's good natured ribbing in the making :P

Saturday 4 July 2015

Using Concepts to analyze events: Trending for Depth

Assertions in essays bring us nowhere. And so we are taught to substantiate our points. Examiners also ask for proof to back up our claims. And so, it's not easy being a student these days.

It will be no different when you become an undergraduate.

The sad episode involving Amos Yee continues to stir much debate online. It has also found its way into several essays dealing with censorship and rights in the recently concluded CT2. Enhance your arguments further by looking beyond the typical 4W1h approach to argumentation. At the end of the day, mechanical application of writing skills cannot replace the rewards that come from wide and thoughtful reading.

How would this article below impact your interpretation of the above episode?

Do you see larger trends and stronger concepts to help add muscle to a point made?


They can often inform your writing and impact your planning way before you put thoughts into writing. Astute students tap them to enhance their notes on various issues in GP. On a practical level, your engagement of questions in Paper 1 (in particular, those dealing with local and global issues)  can be enriched by some understanding of modern trends that shape how stakeholders manage conflict or change in their societies.

A note of caution:
Do not apply them randomly or in isolation unless you have a clear understanding of their contexts and purpose. A consult or a dedicated tutorial will be helpful in showing you its rewards or pitfalls in essay planning and execution. Make your requests known.

The following sources detail some of these significant trends.

Never mouth them off as convenient hash-tags to throw into your essays. Understand what they really mean and their limits. Know  1-2 examples that enable you to comprehend what these concepts are really about. They will serve your purpose well and may do a lot to impact the introduction to a related essay. The second link provides additional reading for you to better make the connection between 'big theories / trends' like these and how they apply in the real world...

A 'VUCA' World:


Trust, Knowledge, Connectivity, Livability:
Sustainable Growth and Development



Future Growth in Technology and New Job Sectors:


The Modern Quest for Work, Purpose and Meaning in Life and what governments and other key agents are doing about it to better engage people / citizens. The trickle-down effect on social and educational policies is one impact.


Examples involving educational policy, social mindsets, national identity and minority rights in Singapore

Thursday 2 July 2015

Science and Technology: History, Innovation and Ethical Dilemmas

Issues dealing with science, technology and the ethics that shape their development- A pictorial revision

Role and History of Science: 6 part series.
And you don't have to watch everything to appreciate all that is already there in your notes-

Medicine & Healthcare-

Food Security, Production and the Greater Environment:
Agriculture & Biotechnology, Green Tech, Energy Production and Resources-

Defence and Military-

Robotics and Automation-

Information Science and Communications-

Investments in Sci and Tech: Controversies, Ethics and Impact

Research into Stem Cells-

The use of animals in scientific experiments-


Big Data, Cyber-security and the Dark Web-

Science vs Religion:  Who should have the  greater say on moral issues in life?

Can both complement our needs and quest for meaning and purpose in life?