Tuesday 27 October 2015

Social Psychology and the Science of Wellness: Why Meditate?

 'Meditation isn't snake oil'...

A lovely passage from Adam Grant who penned that line.
It was also featured in the Straits Times (24 Oct) 2015.
What do you make of that term?

In the midst of preparing  for the A-Levels, some of you may have even embarked on this practice. I am a firm believer when it comes to its therapeutic domain, its art and efficacy. Another writer takes issue with the current hype arguing for a more critical approach in examining its value rather than just going with the tide in an uncritical & anxious manner.


Extended Families and the Economics of Parenting



This should generate familiar ripples based on the recent Prelims paper you read.
It looks at case studies from China and South Korea.

Retrieve your notes on the AQ provided in class.

What common grounds do you see in how families manage parenting roles here, especially across Asian societies?  How do they differ from the so-called western context?

Big Business & the Haze: The Need for Better Regulation?


'Regulation' -a term that is easy to spell and apply, quite liberally in most essays that involve issues like better governance and accountability. But what does it mean to regulate or even monitor a process or condition? Understanding the concepts we use in defending an issue can lead to better elaboration skills on our part. Another useful link is provided here. It examines the use of legislation in tackle issues that involve many parties. Why do some societies turn to legal measures to address or solve problems? Are they always effective?


Using the current regional haze crisis as an example, the author dissects a case for imposing tighter control on big businesses that are partly responsible for this crisis, a move that governments and NGOs have been fighting a losing battle over.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Close Reading and for the Love of Literature

One of the most beautiful collections ever uploaded, if only to inspire you to receive, analyse and use words in a more compelling or thoughtful way and marvel at their ability to conjure untested emotions and fresh images that aim to draw you into a writer's intentions.


I wouldn't blame you given the past and present struggles to master Paper 2 given the types of language you are exposed to in other subjects where tone, nuance and sound are all taken for granted in favour of one-dimensional remarks that point to some equation, chemical reaction or organism in plain and flat terms. I hope I am wrong but a careless student may allow it to seep into GP and miss every turn or corner that aims to sift out the more sensitive and careful readers/ writers from those who only see a wall of words on a page. Critical distancing is an important skill here.

And yes, you should go again and spam only for econs...something even your tutors will advise against. Good writing defines you as a good writer and will always be applicable in all disciplines beyond Literature, Linguistics and the English Language.

Once again, there is more to life than just mugging and passing exams.

I hope the excerpts here will ignite your mind and heart and enrich the skills you have already acquired especially in the use of English, an area to score in both papers to come.

More about the Arts and Cultural Capital in SG: Really?


Ong will most likely invite quick and aggressive responses from stakeholders in his latest admission.

Wait, do you know who he is?

Look out for some strongly worded and sometimes nuanced remarks on his take of the arts scene here.

How would you respond to them based on your own experience here?

Clothes and Identity: More than Just Fads & Fabrics

Do complement this reading with the AQ hand-out given during your Promos.
Paper 2 is a means to test students' response to everyday phenomena and how thoughtful and well-informed teens view them from their point of view. Yes, to go beyond the obvious always, which distinguishes marks between 4 to 8, 9 and 10.


This time, another take on clothes and the kind of social codes that accompany the fabrics we wear! Prospective students who wish to major in social anthropology will love this piece.

In this context, it'll be sad to think that some still associate clothing as materials to wear or clothe our bodies without looking at the symbolic value, economic dimensions (remember the documentary on GAP?) and political investments we put into an everyday requirement in deeper terms.

Work and the Millenial's Approach to Life: Addressing the Stereotypes


And some say the millennial generation consists of  'lazy' folks who hold a sense of 'entitlement'  in whatever they do. Are you flustered about these labels thrown once again, at you?

Still, an insightful piece on the life many of you will lead.
Some ways to AQ & move deeper into the article-

Do conditions in UK differ from home?
How would you navigate around or manage the decisions to come?
What are some social forces that shape our motivations in the current or future workplace?
What will deepen or obstruct the quest we have in establishing our desired dreams which may not always become a career?

How did they writer challenge or dismantle these stereotypes for you?

Remember the passage we shared on 'Finding Your Element' back in Term 1 or 2? Many of you were initially struck by its abstract remarks only to see its value upon closer reading. I hope this article extends your interest and broadens your search within this inescapable field.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

SG Issues: Athletes with Disabilities

The report draws its analysis from a recent incident involving instructions given by ASEAN Para Games Committee to athletes. It effectively AQs a event and draws out deeper concerns about how a minority group may be perceived by different stakeholders in Singapore. You are activating the same skill in Paper 2 and to some extent, in Paper 1.

Underlying Issues in article: Concept of Inclusion vs Exclusion ...the ideals and means to go about developing an inclusive society and the practical challenges on the ground.

Like skills taught in PW, a key strength in any AQ response is the candidates ability to stay focussed in analyzing an issue by considering a target group involved. This article bridges 2 teaching points- the use of specific stakeholders to transform assertions to a clear argument and the need to draw on broader themes like inclusivity to add depth to discussion.

Like PW, GP isn't really what it's meant to be we are able to look at issues in a sensitive way and not pigeon-hole human diversity into a nameless void / term (like 'People') to discuss a point, which almost always lead to superficial remarks made. Such blanket terms always dilute a discussion and makes it a lot less convincing.

Again, note the use of specific examples and 'hedging' skills to argue a case in a convincing way.